Now, most of the hairstyles aren’t suitable for dry hair. It’s a big headache and only dry hair people can understand it. People with healthy, shiny, and moisturized hair are trying different hairstyles. However, people with dry and damaged hair are facing hair fall, split ends, and frizzy hair problems.
Sometimes your scalp becomes dry and unhealthy which promotes hair fall. You may have tried different shampoos and conditioners, but none of them worked. There are still a lot of issues faced by people with dry hair. No worries as I am going to share some good home remedies to moisturize your dry hair.
1. Reasons for Dry Hair
Before knowing about the home remedies, let’s see the possible reasons for getting dry and brittle hair,
1. Using water with a high amount of chlorine, which removes natural oils from the hair, will make your hair dry and dull.
2. When you are exposed to the sun for a longer time, the sun’s rays damage your hair shaft and make it dry which results in hair loss.
3. Using products that have high chemical content and contain high alcohol causes hair damage. Alcohol absorbs all the nutrients that are essential for your hair.
4. If your body has less iodine content, it will weaken your hair. Iodine is a good source for hair growth.
2. Home Remedies to Moisturize Dry Hair
Now after figuring out the causes of dry hair, let’s see the 8 home remedies to moisturize your dry hair. Before using any ingredient, make sure that it suits your body, hair type, and health.
2.1 Rice Flour and Henna
1. Procedure
Take rice flour of about 1 tablespoon and coconut oil of about 2 tablespoons in a bowl, and also add 1 tablespoon of henna to it. Now take 1 banana or two depending upon the length of your hair and add it. Now using a mixer, grind everything well. You can also add extra oil if it does not completely grind. Apply this pack to the full length of your hair. Leave it for about a half hour in your hair. Then use any mild shampoo to wash your hair.
2. Benefits
Rice flour has amino acids, which are great for dry and damaged hair. Henna is a great ingredient that cleans your scalp and reduces the frizziness of your hair. With this home remedy, you can control the dryness of your hair and prevent further damage. By following this remedy twice, a week, you can repair damaged hair.
2.2 Avocado and Egg
1. Procedure
Take 1 avocado and mash it well. Then mix it with 1 egg white. Apply this pack to your wet hair and let it rest for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, with warm water, wash your full hair.
2. Benefits
If you are thinking of applying a natural moisturizer to your hair, avocado is the best choice. It promotes hair growth by reducing frizziness in hair. Egg white controls the dryness in your scalp.
2.3 Egg Yolk and Aloe Vera
1. Procedure
Take 1 egg yolk in a bowl and add aloe vera gel to it. The amount of aloe vera gel depends upon your hair. If egg yolk is not suitable for you, replace egg yolk with coconut oil. Leave this mixture on your hair for 40 minutes after applying. Then with lukewarm water, wash your full hair.
2. Benefits
The fatty acids present in the egg yolk prevent hair damage by moisturizing it. Aloe vera gel helps to soothe your dry hair and works great in enhancing your hair.

2.4 Powerful Oils
1. Procedure
Take 1 tablespoon of gingelly oil, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 spoon of almond oil, and 1 spoon of castor oil. Blend these oils well before applying. Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair and gently massage it for 10 minutes. Then leave this homemade hair mask for an hour and wash it off. You can also double-boil this mixture before applying it to your hair, as it increases the blood circulation in your hair.
2. Benefits
Oils are a great way to remove dryness from your hair. It depends upon the oils you mix. Sesame oil improves your scalp health and almond oil deals with split ends, which helps in hair growth. Castor oil and olive oil give super hydration and moisturize your hair. Avoid using castor oil if you face scalp irritation. By following this remedy once a week, you restore moisture.
2.5 Rose Oil and Coconut Milk
1. Procedure
If you have extremely dry and dull hair, you can try this remedy. Take 25 ml of rose oil which will be easily available in shops near you. To this add homemade coconut milk depending upon the length of your hair. Try to mix it well as it will be somewhat difficult to blend. Leave this hair mask for 2 hours after applying it to your scalp and hair. After 3 hours, using any mild shampoo, wash your hair. If rose oil water is not available, you can use coconut milk alone,
2. Benefits
Coconut milk removes the dryness from your hair and improves the texture. Rose oil strengthens your hair with its nutrients.

2.6 Gingelly Oil and Curry Leaves
1. Procedure
If you have no time to make this pack, try this effective home remedy. Now you are going to prepare homemade oil for your hair. Take 100ml cold-pressed gingerly oil in a bowl. To this add a handful of chopped curry leaves and let it soak for 3 days. After 3 days, remove the leaves from the oil. Then apply the oil to your hair and make sure you apply it properly on all hair strands. You can apply normally like any other hair oil and wash your hair using cool water.
2. Benefits
Curry leaves have highly rich nutrients that help in hair growth. This oil also reduces your body heat and moisturizes your hair.
2.7 Banana Pack
1. Procedure
Take 1 or 2 bananas depending on the density of your hair. Add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of curd to it. Squeeze half a lemon and half a tomato into it. Now grind everything well using a mixer. Make sure to maintain the banana texture high. Leave this pack for 30 minutes on your hair after applying it. Before using this pack, you should apply oil to your hair. You can apply it for one day before or 2 hours before using this pack so that it works effectively. Cover your hair with a shower cap. After that, using warm water you can wash your hair.
2. Benefits
As you are using bananas, which are rich in potassium, it will increase the growth of your hair. Curd smoothes your dry hair and moisturizes it. Every ingredient you use in this hair pack moisturizes your hair effectively.
2.8 Ghee Pack
1. Procedure
Take 1 tablespoon of ghee and add 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 1 spoon of castor oil to it. The quantity may vary depending on the density of the hair. After blending this pack well, apply it to your hair. After 30 minutes, using cold water, wash your hair.
2. Benefits
When it comes to hydration, ghee is an irreplaceable ingredient as it hydrates and prevents dryness of your hair due to the presence of antioxidants in it. Coconut oil and castor oil moisturize your hair and make your hair healthy.

Follow these home remedies for dry hair 4-5 times a month for 3 months continuously for moisturizing your hair, and increasing your hair length and density. Also, don’t overdo it as that causes damage to the hair’s health.
Apart from these home remedies, follow these tips to reduce dryness in your hair.
1. Comb your hair properly using a wide tooth comb to avoid dryness.
2. Wash your hair at least two times a week and properly dry your hair without leaving it as it is.
3. Don’t prefer hairstyles that hold your hair tightly. This will not allow the essential oils to spread to the scalp.
4. Apart from external remedies, internal remedies are also important. Eat Iodine-rich foods like yogurt, strawberries sprouts, and beans, and calcium-rich foods like Badam, spinach, and lime juice.
5. Excessive sun exposure can be avoided.

3. Final Words
Having dry hair is not a big untreatable problem. But maintaining hair health is very important. You can achieve dry-free, shiny, and moisturized hair if you make some minor changes to your hair care routine. If you follow these remedies, you can improve the shine of your hair and treat split-end problems. Follow this consistently without losing hope of getting beautiful hair and a healthy scalp.
Last Updated on December 26, 2023 by