There’s a saying that the body is the temple. So, people do a great deal to keep it up to date, getting their manicures, pedicures, and facials. But certain issues do not disappear on visiting the beauty parlor. One such problem is that of the stretch marks!
These are nothing unnatural, and are normal marks of growth and pregnancy. These occur when you gain a good amount of weight in a short span.
The problem of stretch marks varies from person to person. Many women do not find it discomforting at all. But others find it inconvenient.
At times, stretch marks itch a lot as they heal. Initial stretch marks are pink or purple. These fresh stretch marks tend to be itchier. As the marks heal, they turn white.
This may turn out to be itchy as well. Because anywhere the skin stretches, it causes an itchy sensation. But do not worry. This article gets you covered there. Read along to know more about the reasons and solutions to this problem.
1. Top Reasons Why Stretch Marks Itch
Stretch marks occur when one gains weight. The skin spreads across and compensates for the rapid increase in weight. Such growth occurs due to puberty, pregnancy, or even specific health conditions.
Initially, stretch marks may seem to be pink or purple. Later on, as they heal, the marks turn a white color. This is the phase of dermal tearing when the nerves respond with itchy sensations.
If you want to know how to treat itchy stretch marks, you must know the causes that develop stretch marks. So, let’s not wait and delve right in.
1. 1. Stretch Marks Due to Pregnancy
Pregnancy may be one of the leading causes of stretch-marked skin. Hormonal changes during this time lead the hydrolipidic barrier to break. Breaking the hydrolipidic barrier causes the skin to itch.
Also, Pregnant women get a hefty amount of weight gain in the thighs, hips, and abdominal portions. So, they are frequent sufferers of this issue.
The good thing for males is that they are less prone to the problem of stretch marks. But females need to have a serious look at the issue. Glamderm states that nearly 50 percent of females experience the issue of stretch marks during their pregnancy.
Even though, all pregnant women do not suffer the same amount of itchiness, some experience a good deal of discomfort as the stretch marks form and heal. As the skin elasticity is affected, the itching sensation intensifies. You may experience extreme itchiness during your first pregnancy and late pregnancy. Skin elasticity is most affected during these times.
However, developing stretch marks are not the only cause of itchiness. The itchiness may also be due to rash-related factors.
An issue called Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy (PUPPP) contributes as an important cause of the problem of itchy stretch marks. Polymorphic eruption of pregnancy may occur during delayed pregnancy. It itching initially begins in your stretch marks and then spreads to other parts like the breasts, arms, things, etc.
At times, one may observe these rashes forming on the stretch marks making the itching worse than ever.

1.2. Other Reasons Why Stretch Marks Happen
Other than pregnancy and puberty, the cause of stretch marks may be related to other factors. Stretch marks may occur if:
- You have a genetic history of stretch marks.
- Suffer from the usage of topical corticosteroids. These lead to skin issues stretching out the skin and making it thinner.
- Have the issue of rapid weight gain or weight loss. In case of gain in weight, there’s a rapid growth of the skin to make up for it.
- Some syndromes such as Cushing syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and Marfan’s Syndrome lead to the problem of itchy stretch marks.
Glamderm reports that you may not develop stretch marks because of weight gain. Rather, you may develop stretch marks if you gain weight in a short period.
As the skin expands, it becomes thinner and softer. Consequently, it also begins losing its previous hardness. This leads to less support for the nerve effectors, making them sensitive. Hence, more susceptible to itching.
Even though, most people do not have any issue with forming stretch marks. However, at times, it turns out to be unbearable. People with dry skin tend to experience the issue of stretch marks more intensely.

2. How to Prevent Stretch Marks from Itching? Know the Nitty-Gritty!
Now that you know about the factors that lead to stretch mark formation, do not miss how you can prevent stretch marks from itching!
Itchiness caused due to stretch marks leads to intolerable discomfort. But you must take special care to not scratch the stretch marks. It would only make the condition worse. Scratching the stretch marks makes the skin vulnerable to the entry of germs, leading to infections. So, try some home remedies instead.
Stretch marks are one of the factors which can be easily gotten rid of using natural remedies. To avoid itchy stretch marks, you can always rely on Cocoa butter, moisturizers, vitamin E, and other tropicals. Developing skin care routines greatly helps to reduce itching.
2.1. Coconut Oil to Alleviate Stretch Mark Itching
Coconut oil is taken from matured and harvested coconuts. The fat content in coconut oil is due to lauric acid, which is also present in breast milk. These components present in the oil help treat skin problems. So, why not use it to treat itchy stretch marks?
You may use coconut oil or coconut oil capsules to treat the stretch marks. Massage the oil on the affected areas every day after a bath. It may take several weeks for the remedy to work. Do not forget to experiment with different remedies to see which suits you the best!

2.2. Vitamin E Oil to Alleviate Stretch Mark Itching
Vitamin E oil fade stretch marks and makes the skin smooth. Vitamin E is a chain of fat-soluble vitamins. It has got antioxidant effects. Antioxidants help to fight off free radicals. Reports state that free radicals are related to a wide variety of health issues.
So, applying this oil to the skin helps treat dry skin. You may apply the oil directly to your skin or use it in the form of lotions and gels. So, don’t be fed up with your itchy skin when this vitamin is at your guard!

2.3. Jojoba Oil to Get Rid of Stretch Mark Itch
Jojoba oil resembles sebum, the protective skin layer. So, the skin absorbs it without much trouble. This treats damaged skin, dry skin as well as itchy stretch marks for all age groups.
So, massage the oil topically on the skin. This helps break the scar tissue that leads to stretch marks to keep forming long after pregnancy. You may even apply the oil on the skin of your growing baby. This keeps the skin devoid of different infections and itchiness.

2.4. Topical Creams to Your Rescue!
Yet another way to get rid of that itchy sensation. A thing to keep in mind is to avoid extremely hot showers. Hot water drags out the natural oils from your skin. Instead, after bathing in lukewarm water, pat the excess water off the skin to apply topical creams.
Always get a doctor’s recommendation before applying a moisturizer. A good quality stretch mark ointment is specially formulated to nourish the skin. This helps in stretch mark recovery caused due to rapid body growth.

3. A Few Things to Keep in Mind
- It is impossible to prevent weight fluctuations. But you can always prevent some of the causes that lead to it. For instance, limiting the use of steroids and getting rid of a sedentary lifestyle.
- Keep appointments with your doctor. Visiting a doctor helps in the required diagnosis. This may bring out the underlying issue of weight gain which ultimately leads to itchy skin and itchy stretch marks.
- Do not forget to have enough water every day. Keeping the skin hydrated solves half the problem. Dehydration is one of the leading factors to itchy skin.
The End Note
The body is always stretching. So, it’s illogical to hinder its natural growth of it. But many times stretch marks occur unnaturally. Lack of activity and continual use of certain steroids leads to an increase in symptoms of stretch marks.
So, keeping yourself hydrated, having daily exercises, and keeping appointments with the doctor helps to solve the issue of stretch mark itching.
If the natural remedies are not helping enough with the problem of itchy stretch marks, you may refer to a required treatment.
Certain treatments like laser therapy, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion help to deal with the discomfort of stretch marks. So, if you wish your issue of the stretch mark to fade, do not delay and begin to apply the remedies required to get rid of it!
Last Updated on April 30, 2024 by Sunanda Basu