Diets & Weight Loss

All You Need to Know About Weight Gain Caused By Thyroid

Even if you do a regular diet and good exercise, thyroid weight gain can leave you creeped out by its rapidly increasing scale.

Generally, this is caused by hypothyroidism, a condition that can rapidly cause your weight to increase to such a degree that it can put a frown on your face in worry.

But nonetheless, there are always ways to fight conditions. But before doing so, understanding the mechanism is very important.

So, we will start with the basics.

1. Thyroid Hormone & Weight Gain: What’s the Relation?

Thyroids are generally categorized into two types: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. While hyperthyroidism causes weight loss due to increased basal energy, hypothyroidism is exactly the opposite; in hypothyroidism, your weight scales can drastically increase, which can immediately raise some concerns in your mind.ย 

If your weight scales have drastically increased recently without any reason, even with a fitness routine, the sudden weight gain might leave you surprised and worried. This is caused by hypothyroidism, a butterfly-shaped gland near your neck.ย 

The symptoms usually include fatigue, greasy hair and skin, weight gain, and an increased heartbeat. So, if you find any of these symptoms occurring, it is time to check your thyroid levels.ย 

And if you are already suffering from hypothyroidism, we are here to help you keep your thyroid levels in check with some diet plans and exercises.

So keep on reading to know more.

2. Which Food Should I Avoid to Lose Thyroid Weight?

Hypothyroidism can be bothersome, and your nutrition plays a major role in it. How much amount you consume and what you consume regularly can heavily interfere with your treatment of thyroid hormones.

This is why we have made a list of foods you must avoid in case of hypothyroidism.

2.1 Cruciferous vegetables

does thyroid cause weight gain
by motorolka/ unlimphotos

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage are full of nutrition and fiber. Consuming a heavy amount of these vegetables can interfere with the production of thyroid hormones in case you have an iodine deficiency.ย 

Various research has shown that breaking down these vegetables may cause the thyroid hormone’s ability to utilize iodine, which is an essential factor for the normal functioning of the thyroid.

2.2 Foods with Gluten

an image od pasta
by AnaMarques / unlimphotos

Gluten is a group of proteins mostly found in wheat and a few kinds of grains. Although gluten is not harmful to most of the population, certain categories of people should avoid it, including people with thyroid.

There has been scientific research that shows that cutting off gluten from the diet has been helpful for people suffering from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

In this thyroid condition, the patient’s body begins producing antibodies against two specific thyroid proteins: thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin. Now, people who are on a gluten-free diet show a reduction in the concentration of antibodies.

So, a gluten-free diet may benefit individuals suffering from this disease, but no scientific evidence yet suggests that this diet can improve overall thyroid health.

2.3 Foods High in Sugar Quantity

an image od sugery food
by bernjuer / unlimphotos

Hypothyroidism can cause the body’s natural metabolism to slow down, which leads to weight gain. In such a scenario, it is best advised to avoid sugary food products, as they contain many calories with no nutrients.ย 

2.4 Alcoholย 

Those who have thyroid should avoid alcohol consumption seriously, as alcohol consumption can create havoc on your thyroid hormones.

It has been seen that alcohol consumption can mess with both the thyroid hormones present in the body as well as the ability to produce those hormones.

2.5 Coffee/Caffeine

As per a study on caffeine consumption, it has been found that it suppresses the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement.

Now that you know which foods to avoid in case of hypothyroidism, let’s move on to another section that covers how one can lose weight caused by the thyroid.ย 

3. How to Lose Thyroid Weight

The first and foremost thing to do is to get proper treatment for your hypothyroidism. You can also follow the following tips to kick-start the weight game.

3.1 A Proper Diet

Cut out carbs and sugar from your diet as much as possible. A low-carb diet with complex carbohydrates is an ideal solution.

But don’t overdo anything. Being too low on calories can lead to a stress response, which decreases the production of the T3 hormone.

Apart from that, you can also add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet. Hypothyroidism often causes joint pains and depression, and anti-inflammatory foods are known to have a positive effect on the same.

3.2 Keep Your Body Moving

Exercising is the one-stop solution for all, whether it’s a normal weight loss regime or trying to lose weight gained by thyroid.

Exercise complements a healthy diet.ย ย 

3.3 Follow Through Proper Medication

Not taking your medications on time or in the proper manner can affect your ability to lose weight. Thyroid medication should be taken on an empty stomach with plenty of water unless told otherwise.

3.4 Stay Hydrated

Whether you have hypothyroidism or not, proper hydration is always a crucial factor in weight loss. Enough water in the body helps your body metabolize efficiently.

4. Key Takeaways

Now you know how the thyroid causes weight gain and how one can help control it. Most people with hypothyroidism gain nearly 5-10 pounds; however, women can gain a few more pounds.

Most of this weight gain is usually associated with water retention and increased salt levels in the body, but at times, it can also be due to increased fat.

So, even though weight gain is a common symptom of hypothyroidism, it is still possible that something else might be going on. This is why consulting a doctor is crucial with massive weight changes.

5. FAQ’S

5.1 How do you control weight gain from the thyroid?

Answer: You can control thyroid weight gain by maintaining a proper diet and exercising regularly, as your doctor advises.

6.2 Will I lose weight once I start taking thyroid medication?

Answer: Yes, but with thyroid medication, it’s better to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise for more effective results.

6.3 What part of your thyroid makes you gain weight?

Answer: Hypothyroidism can cause an excessive amount of weight gain by producing more hormones than the body needs; try following a proper diet and exercise routine for good results.

6.4 How can I lose my belly fat with thyroid?

Answer: No scientific evidence exists of spot-reducing fat, but you can exercise with a proper diet after consulting your doctor.

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Ms.Hazarika